Men's Counselling
Men’s Counselling is a very important part of my work.
Men’s experiences and feelings are valid and important and men
take very seriously their roles as partners, parents and providers in families
The issues that impact on men are sometimes different to that of women. Men are conditioned to be strong, resilient, to provide answers, to solve problems and to do so without difficulties. This conditioning can become apparent when they are partners and parents as these relationships are inevitably not always straight forward.
Men and Depression
Men can become depressed, anxious and have the same issues and feelings that face any human being, but are less likely to seek assitance when this occurs as culturally this may mean they have failed. I have a great deal of respect for the men I have worked with and I continue to walk beside men in the counselling work as they explore the issues that impact on them.
The Richards Trauma Process
This succinct, focussed trauma therapy which is 3 x 2.5 hour sessions resolves trauma that is being played out in peoples lives. Anger, impatience, intolerance, violence, abuse, depression, anxiety are all symptoms of unresolved childhood/adult trauma. For some men they have only every known other angry men, been brutilised as children, and their emotional needs for love and support neglected from male and family role models. When difficulties arise they can become suicidal and depressed and lack coping skills. The Richards Trauma Process will resolve the past pain that has led them to feel the way they do. It is a life changing process.
When childhood trauma/stress and abuse is not resolved men cannot be the parents they want to be. They will repeat the patterns from their own unresolved childhood, which will create issues for them in their relationships.